Monday, January 4, 2010

big boy!

we had a doctors appointment today.
i got to drink my yummy gluecose tolerance fruit punch drink! it wasn't that bad.. but it wasn't what i wanted to eat/drink after not eating breakfast since 6:30 am. i wasn't allowed to eat or drink anything with sugar in it 4 hours before i drank it. & i didn't get break till 1, so what do you eat without sugar in it? i ended up with nothing ha. well.. we got there. my mom got to come with us today.. doctor came in, we finally got an ultrasound to see him since november!
he's a whoppin' 2 lbs 11 ounces! our little man isnt' gonna be so little!! but a lot of the measurements were about a week ahead. so.. we'll see when he comes!
then i got my blood drawn. we'll get a call tomorrow if anything is wrong. hoping for NO call.
we only got two pictures. both of them not so great. she tried getting his profile, but his face is about right under my left hip bone so it was hard to get a good view. but doctor thinks he has my profile. i think his nose is more like nates. but when we first got a look at his face he had his arm right up by his face.. it looked like he was sucking his thumb!
and we go back in on the 20th!
appointments are starting every 2 weeks now. CRAZY!


Anonymous said...

Oh my GOSH. How exciting, I am so happy for you :] Can't wait to see him!

kari said...

wow! Karly the time is sure flying by. I can not wait to meet this little nephew of mine.