Friday, November 25, 2011


how far along: thirty-three weeks
total weight gain: 20-25
sleep: getting less & less sleep. between brevyn sleeping with us, being a bed hog & me not being able to fall back asleep once i wake up to pee.
maternity clothes: yes, starting to wear more comfy bottoms!
stretch marks: starting to get dark again.
favorite moment this week: watching him stick his little butt or foot out
movement: he's a very active little man!
symptoms: shortness of breath, lightening shocks, heartburn, pelvic pain.
food cravings: it's varied week by week. this week, cheerios.
gender: all boy
labor signs: nothing this week, hopefully in a few weeks:)
belly button in or out: out! you can see it through my shirt.
what i miss: having no back pain.
what i am looking forward to: dr visit monday, & just meeting my little man!
weekly wisdom: mmm. don't have any.
wedding rings on or off: on for now. see if they still fit in 4 weeks.
happy or moody: varies.
milestones: making it another week!

7 more weeks!

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