Saturday, January 21, 2012

2 weeks old

i can't believe that my baby is already 2 weeks old!

We’re still trying to adjust to having you at home with us and taking care of brother also. At 2 weeks old:

• You weigh 8 lbs 4 oz. You aren't quite up to your birth weight  of 8 lbs 8 oz yet, but you're getting there! And you are 21 inches long.

• You look like your big brother (see photo below). We hear that from just about everyone. We also get that you look like your mama!
(big bro brev)

• You're doing great with breastfeeding! We left the hospital being on the shield but just a few days after we left we were off of it! You like to fall asleep on the boob though, so feeding you during the night can get tough cause mama is super tired! We end up sleeping in the recliner in your room half the time. Mama just came up with Mastitis, ouchie! Hopefully we can get rid of that quick.

• You sleep a big part of the day! But are starting to be more alert and awake for longer periods.

• You had another bath today. You already like just relaxing in the water and kicking your feet. Hopefully you keep it up! :)

• Mama thinks your hair is already going lighter. Wouldn't be a big shocker since brother lost all his and it all came back blonde. We're still waiting to see what color those eyes will be. Mama thinks blue, Daddy thinks brown.

 passed out on the couch after cuddling with mama

bath time

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