little man is TWO! man where does the time go?
he loves toy story right now, so we did a toy story theme party!
i had so many ideas for his party, but money doesn't let ya do that all the time! haha.
i still love how it turned out! just having all our family and some friends over :)
- he weighs 25 lbs and are 35.5 inches tall
- still loves with watching any toy story. love 'wooey' & 'buzz'
- loves talking my ear off. if only i could understand half the time!
- love to take care of little brother. giving him his binki. kisses.
- very independant.
- can walk up and down the stairs on his own.
the birthday boy
his cake
entry to the room
lightening from grandma and grandpa!
spoiled boy!
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